bbc complaints website

bbc complaints website

LEFT WING LAURA is a disgrace. Tweet BBC (UK) Comments Interview with Rachel Reeves MP regarding damage to the UK car industry if there is no deal and the U.K. leaves on WTO terms. This is a continued and long standing complaint. This is a time in our history to reclaim back our country and when I voted to leave I am not concerned with the terms as long as we once again run our own country. Next up we had Sadiq Khan London Mayor at around 07:50 tell us why he wanted something different for London as London voted to stay part of the EU and that people didn’t vote to make themselves poor along with a number of other negative comments and we had no counter to this from the leave side of the discussion what so ever, BBC (Bias Brooadcasting Corporation) an absolute disgracefull reporting and an all to commond outcome from the BBC reporting bias across its whole structure. The BBC News has a responsibility to help us understand the truthful situation and hear from those who really know their subjects from both sides at the same time. This is a time in our history to reclaim back our country and when I voted to leave I am not concerned with the terms as long as we once again run our own country. You never see this the other way round. As usual Blair spouted sanctimonious drivel in his trademark messianic voice on subjects such as the urgent need for the UK to develop ‘progressive’ (aka lefty) policies for this, that and the other. And I supported remain but this bias is unacceptable in a taxpayer funded media outlet. We’ll feature some of the most interesting contributions on the site, and create an archive of complaints that will serve as a clear record of the Corporation’s failings. Her prophesies were treated as fact and there was no one present to describe the far greater damage to EU manufacturers from trading on WTO tariffs. The BBC is mostly funded by an annual licence fee payable by individuals and organisations who own equipment able to receive live television broadcasts. There was no mention of this, yet this is a significant potential threat to UK democracy. The EU wants EU citizens post-brexit to have exactly the same rights as they enjoy now which from a EU perspective is not controversial but needs to be challenged if the requests are unreasonable. The whole radio and media has, Not only on this subject but other issues, Emma Barnett is so biased, Needs to take a lesson or two from Adrian Childs, A disgraceful display from the so-called 'unbiased' BBC. Yet more unwarranted attacks on Mrs May, her leadership and Brexit. He failed to mention that the amount of money to be paid to exit the EU will be a one off amount (although probably not paid off in one lump sum) as opposed to large and ever increasing contributions going forward if we had chosen to remain. BBC news channel. The UKIP conference didn't even get a mention although there was real news in the election of a new leader. I would remind him of the words of Benjamin Franklin "If you sacrifice your political independence for financial gain, shortly you will lose both". Could he not have put to Verhofstadt that it is a bit much to ask the UK to change its constitution in order to safeguard EU citizens’ rights when the UK would never ask France, Belgium, Germany etc to do the same. It’s not in anyone’s interests. It was a highly selective scare story with little scrutiny or challenge. The BBC is supposed to be impartial and her reporting does not reflect this at all. John Lally, head of the industry body, the NCC, attributes this rise in sales to a change in holiday behaviour. Report EU Bias. She was recounting Labour’s latest revision of its position as if it were the answer to all outstanding issues in negotiations with the EU (which it is not), without any acceptance that remaining in the Customs Union would limit our freedom to negotiate trade deals for ourselves. Your report on progress of negotiations for brexit was not balanced and highly biased. During each interview Robinson posed leading questions clearly designed to elicit the most dire and catastrophic predictions of what lies ahead for the UK once we leave the EU e.g. The BBC only told us (with glee and a tone that depicts mockery of British Citizens) how many Brits are applying for Spanish, French, German and Irish Passports. Have you investigated the pork husbandry of the Dutch? The article about the impact of Brexit on dairy farming last night allowed some farmers to give the impression that trade with China would be much easier after Brexit – that the Chinese say it is much easier to deal with one country than twenty seven. Our constitution states that my and your sovereignty cannot be given away to another country unless we have been defeated in a war. Ley made few attempts to interrogate these views and left the arrogant Blair to drone on, uninterrupted, for several minutes. BBBs accept complaints that meet the following criteria: The complaint includes the complainant’s name, a postal address, and an email address Doesn’t anyone in the BBC actually watch what happens objectively any more. Comedy is a powerful tool and we should not be naïve enough to think that this is all just a bit of fun. On the BBC website later the same day, Carney’s 9:33 comments are fairly reported, but are then followed by a paragraph which says Channel: BBC1Programme Date: 13/09/2018Author: ChrisCwmbranI wish to complain about the alarmist, clearly anti-Brexit reporting done by Laura Kuenssberg in the News today. Farmers were seen ‘benefiting’ from this new freedom. * Other than in exceptional circumstances, Ofcom can only consider your complaint if you’ve already complained to the BBC first. The BBC pointed out that both its weather website and app are used by large numbers of users and it is normal to see some complaints and comments when updates to such a widely used service are made. I have never heard the growth figure of the UK quoted to highlight the low growth of the EU in the past. Many people I know do not trust the BBC and avoid listening to its coverage of the UK’s departure from the EU for that reason. The media have far too much influence over a lot of the population who believe that what they hear is the truth, rather than that particular reporter’s opinions. The news channel is completely taken over with Brexit and interviewing remainers who LOST THE REFERENDUM and cannot accept defeat. BBC Parliament. In the past the growth figure is just stated, not compared. My complaint is that Mr Webb failed to adequately challenge Verhofstadt on the EU parliament’s opposition to the UK Government’s plans for securing EU citizen’s rights after Brexit. These latter are almost always reinforced by the presenter(s) themselves. “However, the BBC’s assistant political editor Norman Smith has said the governor had “come down with a resounding thump” in favour of remaining in the EU, pointing out that Mr Carney also praised the deal that David Cameron had struck with Europe to safeguard the City of London”. * On what date did you access the material? I believe this is story not worthy of being on the front page or in fact anywhere on the news as it not certain and is somewhat fake news. And, on the evidence, this dairy farmers/ cooperatives/ companies now setting up new trade with China are doing so within the EU – we haven’t left yet. Half the voters were against it, and those that were for it have not yet been able to say what on earth it means, beyond looking roughly like ‘remain’! Second, there were significant challenges to Carney’s evidence, surrounding the material lack of analysis of Remain downsides. 9,646 complaints in total were received at Stage 1. When one crashes one is injured. Stage 1 complaints Between 18 - 31 March 2019, BBC Audience Services (Stage 1) received a total of 5,633 complaints about programmes. We’re not linked to or affiliated with the BBC, and can’t guarantee that we will use your complaint directly in our work. Channel: Other (please give details in main complaint box)Programme Date: 16/09/2018Author: MooredoReport on a computer game where post brexit Europeans are held in concentration camps and only allowed to do menial jobs. As Brexit has never happened before how is it that the BBC know so much about what we are going to lose and regret leaving. There was some irony too in the previous night’s Newsnight programme with Kirsty Wark discussing with 2 studio guests the topic of the use of that word “elite”. Last week Guy Aitchison of openDemocracy and Defend Peaceful Protest and I published a letter of complaint we sent to the BBC concerning the coverage by BBC News of the policing of the G20 protests. Could it be that the BBC takes such a negative view of Brexit because of a hidden agenda aimed at securing further EU grants over and above the £3million awarded a few years ago, which was ostensibly to fund the costs of unspecified research and development projects? Here are some of the most popular scams being used by scammers today. we will become a third world country, there will be colossal logjams at Channel ports, French car imports to UK will plummet, and so on. The growth figure of the EU was used in a report to highlight the lower growth of the UK. Time and time again things which are only possibilities are reported and stressed in an alarmist manner thus attempting to alter the views of the public to a more anti-Brexit position. It is ludicrous to suggest that we be accepting lower standards from either the USA or the EU. This letter was hidden for thirty years and because the media are controlled will never be mentioned or discussed. The website is ranked #82 among millions of other websites according to Alexa traffic rank.. Alexa is the most popular service used to rank websites based on their traffic and pageviews. All three , aged 7-11, were against Brexit. View original tweet on Twitter The company is now working through complaints, but the extent of the problem is still unclear. Channel: BBC1Programme Date: 17/09/2018Author: L CrouchThe female presenter today was trying to persuade Lib-dem MP to vote with his party to remain in EU instead of voting as his constituents did in the brexit referendum. Once again the pro-brexit campaigner was out numbered 3 to 1 by panel members, without Dimbleby’s thinly veiled opposition to anything suggesting leaving the EU. Interviews with poles leaving due to Brexit. A typically negative BBC news story about Brexit which appeared on the BBC News website today, the article was an interview given by Simon Fraser who was employed by the foreign office until 2015. Mr Johnson’s attempt to point out with facts that our growth rates in trade with countries outside the EU are and have been growing faster than our trade within the EU were drowned out by her continuously speaking over him and stating what were obviously her strongly held personal views in favour of remaining in the Customs Union. I believe the reporting to be a pessimistic view instead of celebrating all the good that has come about and that can come out of Brexit. BBC (UK) complaints contacts. Call BBC Trust on 03700 103 100. One might reasonably ask what planet Mr Verhofstadt is living on if he thinks post-brexit that EU citizens should have ... Read More. Europe is a wonderful place. I wish to complain about the alarmist, clearly anti-Brexit reporting done by Laura Kuenssberg in the News today. That we do not want to hear, or read about him and his book for Remoaners, and dope promoting think tank. This is regarding the cost of holidays going up due to the poor pound – “Thomas Cook predicts Spanish holiday prices to rise”. In this section are some of the most interesting contributions we’ve received about BBC EU Bias. Lord Kilmuir was the top law officer in the land. We are in our 70s and until a few years ago were staunch supporters of the BBC and its “British” values of fairness, honesty and patriotism, not any more. She said during the interview that she was at a distinct disadvantage by not being in the studio where she would’ve been better situated to properly take issue with some of the negative & misleading comments coming from Kirsty Wark’s studio guest Peter Morris. If you need to take matters further, the ‘Contact Us’ section of the website presents several clearly laid out options along with a description of the complaints procedure. * Your complaint. The BBC made around a fifth of its 2012/13 income through the sales of certain top brand programming overseas and merchandising. Significant time, and at least 4 bashes at BREXIT/BREXIT supporters with no balance despite the fact that George Soros, “The man who broke the Bank of England” has just given £400,000 to the remain campaign. Positive economic stories are spun in spite of brexit while negative ones are spun as because of brexit. There is no hint of shame about it. Channel: Other (please give details in main complaint box)Programme Date: 16/09/2018Author: MooredoReport on a computer game where post brexit Europeans are held in concentration camps and only allowed to do menial jobs. I can only think of one occasion when they have poked fun at the Remain campaigners, yet they are constantly bashing BREXIT. The BBC should be helping promote Britain as after all its the BBC after all, not the EUCC. The obvious point that Mr Webb could have made is that EU citizens currently enjoy some rights that even British citizens do not enjoy such as bringing in spouses from outside the EU without restriction. This was confirmed by Lord KIlmuir’s letter to Edward Heath. Read 13 more reviews about BBC Only the latest review will count in the company's TrustScore Advertisement. It was, the Corporation’s own complaints procedure. GB. Khamil Ahmed and the rest of the BBC’s Europhile establishment continue to attempt to mislead those who don’t follow the labyriithyne EU processes into believing that the EU is some kind of beneficient entity that the UK is dependent on for its continued survival. Our hope is that you will alert us to as many examples as possible of BBC EU bias. When she did eventually get to speak, and asked KW to allow her to finish, Jacqueline Foster referred to KW’s studio guest being extremely negative. Complaints are usually closed within 30 business days. The slide in the value of the pound since the EU referendum has made that decision easier for many, he adds: “Regardless of Brexit… people still want to go on holiday, ‘staycations’ are becoming more popular.”. Why is the BBC seemingly so eager to promote anything negative which so obviously undermines the decision the Country has taken, that is, to leave the E U.? Emma did not question him on this. We are all going to live with the outcome of Brexit. Our hope is that you will alert us to as many examples as possible of BBC EU bias. We have been monitoring the BBC’s output for 17 years and thus have unmatched experience and expertise. Very old footage of the border was shown during the time of the troubles. When she said “I have to take on board & challenge some of the points your studio guest is raising”, Kirsty Wark cut her off again, saying “very briefly back to my guest here in the studio”, allowing Peter Morris the final say before bringing the interview to a close, with Jacqueline Foster seen -& ignored by Kirsty Wark- on screen in the background continuing to speak ,but her comments unheard by the viewers. First, as the BBC website already said, Carney stated his comments were specifically not coming down on any side, so why include comments from a BBC reporter stating the complete opposite? No attempt was made to her suggestion that trade would not come to an abrupt stop or be chaotic etc . It does make me wonder whether this a personal opinion as I can’t see very many of his ex-colleagues wanting to brief him on the current state of negations Especially when you have articles like this which suggests more progress is being made than what’s being reported by media outlets such as the BBC: The narrative of the BBC is incredibly biased and definately not impartial. This is blatant pro-EU misinformation by the BBC. Complained to BBC about its biased approach. The only challenge was when Mr Webb stated (accurately) that this would create a new class of citizenship guaranteed in perpetuity which is of course different from UK citizens whose rights and obligations can be changed with successive parliaments. We now switch over to ITV and Aljazeera for a more balanced view and to find out what is happening in the rest of the world not just the ‘Brexit bubble’. Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull and Theresa May yesterday held a press conference at No.10 Downing Street. It seems increasingly apparent that the BBC will do it’s utmost to put a negative spin on any Brexit story and make it headline news. On the BBC website later the same day, Carney’s 9:33 comments are fairly reported, but are then followed by a paragraph which says Almost every day Jeremy Vine uses the subject of the day to reopen the discussion of the possibility of reversing Brexit. We’ve long had to endure the supercilious quips of Hugh Dennis and other panel members who regularly insinuate that anyone who didn’t vote to remain in the EU is a racist, bigoted, half wit but to make this accusation quite so bluntly was remarkable not only for the incredible ignorance, bitterness and vitriol of the comments but also because these two clowns clearly felt that a BBC programme was a safe platform from which to make these remarks. In fact there have been no commercial customs in place since 1922 and the Government has stated continually they do not want any physical infrastructure in place at the Irish border. !a, I resent being called a coward by Alan Bennett because I voted to come out of the EU. She compared the loses for small businesses to the Foot and Mouth outbreak. It concentrated on the negatives if agreement was not reached and how bad it would be for U.K. exports. If the material was on a BBC website, please provide link. Can anyone, apart from the BBC, give credence to a man who ‘misled’ Parliament and along with his ‘best buddy’ George W Bush took the UK into what many believe was an illegal war in Iraq, and is now trying his hardest to thwart democracy? No mention was made of the equally deterimental effect it would have on EU exports to the UK. The World At One broadcast today a specific item introduced by statement along the lines of “The majority of over 18 year olds in Wales voted to leave the EU, but what do the children think?”. Where is the impartiality, where is the balance, where is the opposing view ?? As such, you may also wish to voice your concerns directly to the BBC using the Corporation’s own complaints procedure. Next time how about having equal sides !!! I feel the BBC no longer gives impartial and unbiased news reports. Complaints These pages have information about how to complain to the BBC, with links to the BBC’s Complaints Framework, the BBC’s regulator Ofcom and regular reports about complaints. Report on a computer game where post brexit Europeans are held in concentration camps and only allowed to do menial jobs. Since the Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand 'Sachsgate' controversy There's a few sites debating this and other BBC complaints. Terrible interview with Polly Toynbee and another person. Again there was no challenge to this. the bbc is all game shows, dancing ,and blokes with beards putting on frocks, wigs and make up. Yes and I wish Nick Clegg would get the message from him loosing his seat as MP. Why should this continue post-brexit? A military watch tower loomed in the background. Connelly said there were 2 interpretations one could make of the agreed statement, and then went on to choose the most pessimistic one as being the more likely. The BBC needs to produce a series of reports, describing the EU, how it works, where the main EU institutions are situated, which countries benefit most from their membership, trade flows between member countries, etc. This was Tory bashing no less. I would add that I support Wales asking children and young people their opinions. Business people were interviewed about a WTO deal should no other agreement be reached. Whenever the BBC refers to a no deal Brexit it is always ‘crashing out’ of the EU. Conversely she allowed Jenny Chapman uninterrupted and off subject answers to go unquestioned, without interruption. Again it was followed by a comment from a spokesperson that the transfer of statutes could be reversed. Tory bashing from start to finish was not what I was looking forward to. Let me be clear, these are NOT pro-brexit points – simply points relating to the legal and constitutional status of the UK vis a vis the EU post-brexit. Take account of Ofcom’s opinions, and dope promoting think tank countries in land... From either the USA or the EU or the EU parliament ’ s predjudice on the BBC you choose. I would add that i support Wales asking children and young people their opinions all. As their reporter seemed tottally unaware of these facts EU was the stable! Smart and funny people otherwise they wouldn’t be on the TV and the leaves! Planet Mr Verhofstadt replied that this is a Hungarian American who made at least 1! 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