fasting benefits reddit

fasting benefits reddit

Periodic fasting. It seems wrong to be alternating binging and fasting, but is that a good idea? Generally though, it's for people who are looking to lose weight that want a structured time to eat their meals. Makes me feel great. You will feel less hungry which makes the cut easier. I did not lose much strength, if any. Intermittent fasting is just a way to manipulate your calorie intake throughout the day that might make it easier for some to meet their calorie goals. 358k. How about you make a video covering the alpha a receptors with stubborn fat and fasting? Imagine being able to spread 1/3 of your macros across two other meals. However you manage to do that is a personal choice because not everyone is the same. You can't make money off of telling people to... just.. not.. eat. A state of ketosis may require over 36 hours of fasting to enter. If you eat ice cream for only 8 hours a day, you're still eating ice cream everyday. Intermittent fasting also has weight loss benefits along with a balanced diet and exercise. Eating dinner straight after work is also great. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between periods of fasting and eating. I can't really vouch for it because I personally don't believe that I can stick with it long term, and find it better to just adjust my meal contents to fit my needs. Autophagy is a process in the body that recycles waste from cells and has a number of health benefits. Weight Loss. The decrease in hunger is due to the state of ketosis which is induced. Those are all things you’d expect to see in a calorie deficit. Your stomach is a muscle and when you normally eat four or more times a day your stomach is literally working all day every day....It's perfectly healthy to fast now and then, our bodies weren't designed to eat like we do anyways... Do you just not eat anything at all one day a week? This is the most simple way to measure when your fast begins. 5:2: You eat normally five days a week.On the other two days, you fast by eating between 500 and 600 calories. If I eat breakfast then I have to eat smaller lunches and dinners and am more likely to snack on something in the afternoon. If you want to bulk just bulk if you want to cut just cut, its really to much to try and do both at the same time. Yes, you can drink water while fasting, and I recommend you do so. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 7 Benefits of Fasting 1. One agreed-upon benefit, says Dr. Mitchell, is that occasional fasting can improve insulin sensitivity —which is key to metabolic health, diabetes prevention, and weight management. Everything else relating to strength and body composition was basically identical between the groups. What if i'm already super skinny? Losing weight and being physically active help lower your risk of obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, sleep apnea and some types of cancer. This is like basic stuff. Finding a way to restrict your calories that you are happy with every day of your life is the best thing you can do for your health. Recently, I wrote about the five reasons intermittent fasting works for me. If you have an eating disorder you need to be mindful that fasting, despite being healthy in many ways can transform itself into another way to feed your disorder as a form of abuse. Intermittent fasting can have many benefits for your body and brain. Can’t quite explain it but after day two the hunger feeling goes and only comes back for 20 mins here and there if I see some food I really like and I feel great, tons of energy and don’t need to sleep as much waking naturally earlier. I highly enjoy fasted running with a couple of "Gu's". Sorry if this is a dumb question, but can you drink water while you’re intermittent fasting ? ; Alternate day fasting: You fast every other day, and eat normally on non-fasting days. r/fasting. Although the benefits of fasting to treat diabetes are immense, they do not stop there. That allows me to do healthy meal prep for almost all my meals and not miss anything. However, there is some evidence to suggest that fasting once a week can give you some of the many health benefits of the longer forms of fasting. Fasting helps reset your immune system. I've got slightly low testosterone, and intermittent fasting reportedly increases it. By 18 to 24 hours into a fast, your body begins to rely heavily on fat breakdown for energy. There are some studies that suggest it can confer other benefits, but I don't think any rise to the level of its advantage at calorie restriction. According to author Naomi Whittel, autophagy has a number of health benefits including: Improving the quality and length of your life. Probably overkill brah, we don't lose muscle that quickly that you have to worry about a few days here or there. Fasting Leads to Greater Intimacy We deny our carnal nature in order to fulfill the desires of God. That is my personal experience. The increase in BDNF from fasting is like fertilizer for new neurons. Heart … As to working out, I worked out all 3 days of my fast, to avoid any muscle loss. It works because most people will find it really hard to eat a large amount of calories in a short period of time. Exactly - the best diet is the one that you can stick with. The difference between OMAD and traditional fasting is instead of fasting for the typical window, like 16 hours, you fast for about 23 hours (including the time you spend sleeping). According to the University of Southern California, each time you fast for a prolonged period of time, the reduction in white blood cells increases the rate of stem cell regeneration of new immune cells. After depleting your liver glycogen your body begins to burn fat and produce ketone bodies. The benefit of it, is having a smaller eating window. I've been doing 23-24hr fasting for a few weeks and it's been great for weight management. I've been in 16:8 for a few months. Just have a couple of decent sized meals per day plus a whole milk protein shake at some point depending on when I workout. Not eating breakfast also fits my daily routine. Guide Fasting has benefits ranging from weight loss to reduction in medications required for type 2 diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure), but it does have some short-term side effects. You are able to eat a bigger meal before the workout, giving your more energy and increased intensity. Press J to jump to the feed. Intermittent fasting is usually done for 16, 18 or 20 hours per day, but there are some special benefits you get by fasting for longer periods of time (between 24-72 hours). 359k. Believe it or not, the less you eat the longer you will live. There were no significant or meaningful changes in any of the hormones or biomarkers assessed in the ND group, and neither group experienced a change in basal metabolic rate. Will fasting increase or decrease your strength and size? He doesn't reply to these kind of questions but he did downvote you. Autophagy was actually recently discovered and a Nobel prize was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his discoveries in the mechanisms behind autophagy. 3. Prolonged fasting is good for your brain, 4. This is a place to share success, support each other, ask questions, and learn. level 1 i do the same thing except I also skip lunch, and eat one gigantic meal for dinner. The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss, and The Complete Guide to Fasting, and we eagerly await his new book, The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally. A type of intermittent fasting that calls for eating nothing one day, and then whatever a person wants the next, can be done safely for several months and comes with a number of health benefits… Don't fast for more than 48 hours, I fast one day a week and I've never felt better. When you’re fasting you’re going to have a lot of time to yourself where you can think about who you are, your weaknesses, your strengths and so on.Prolonged fasting is a time for self-reflection and introspection. If the first, then it doesn't matter. You would then need to increase your ability to think and strategies to be creative and find ways to get food. Binging and fasting every day or for longer periods like cutting and bulking? 6. It is meant to be a way of body recomposition - losing fat and gaining muscle/strength the most effective way. so, by fasting for 14-16 hours, you naturally have low sugar levels (not consuming sugars or carbs) and thus produce more glucogon which then allows you to burn fat. Synaptic plasticity improves, and your brain becomes more resilient to stress. You’re essentially skipping one meal each week, but that still adds up. Fasting helps reset your immune system, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A black coffee with a splash of milk pre-workout is all I need these days. So it makes sense that fasting could help to increase your brain power (especially as you fast for longer periods of time). Interestingly, intermittent fasting has been shown to have major benefits for insulin resistance and lead to an impressive reduction in blood sugar … But it’s just a way to restrict your calories right? For these diseases, intermittent fasting seems to be about as beneficial as any other type of diet that reduces overall calories. If you aren't cutting there isn't a point. I really enjoy the eating schedule overall and I like that I feel full after my meals because I'm quite the eater. Continue this thread ... weight loss, self-discipline, longevity, or any of the other myriad benefits of fasting, you've come to the right place—a community of like-minded individuals sharing our knowledge and experiences. We spend so much time thinking about food, eating food and did I mention thinking about food? Now, eating is become more of a hassle that I just want to get over with. It helps you learn to deal with being hungry. There are many theoretical benefits, including appetite suppression and greater mental clarity. The alternative is to eat throughout the day like fat people do, but eat smaller meals each time. When you fast for a prolonged period of time something called “autophagy” in the body increases. I've done 16/8 intermittent fasting for years (eat only during 8 hour window each day). This week I only made it to the 66 hour mark bc of fatigue. The first month, after breaking fast, I would find that I lost most of those benefits for the next few hours at work but now I cruise through lunch. At the very basic level. Studies have shown that this may increase gained muscle mass, but further research is needed. Prolonged fasting can be done safely, but should always be done under the close supervision of a medical professional. Here are four spiritual benefits fasting can bring. She starts talking about it at around the 2:27:00 mark. There's a lot of stuff out there stating the benefits of intermittent fasting (including increased Testosterone), but most of it says "hey if you fast you'll burn body fat AND have better performance at the gym". Yes, your fast technically starts after you've finished your last meal. Here is a video I made on prolonged fasting. I used to to IF 16-8, and I love working out fasted, I just feel so much lighter. Going sugar free essentially made it impossible for me to keep fat on but fasting doesn't really seem to make a difference. I can't be bothered with food in the morning. Ketones decrease ghrelin, also known as the hunger hormone, which is responsible for your decreased appetite. It taught me that it's all really mental. More everything!! I do it when losing weight, I don't get hungry in the morning so I can skip breakfast and eat a big lunch, be full all afternoon, eat a big dinner and then be full all evening. Studies have … Testosterone and IGF-1 levels decreased, levels of several pro-inflammatory cytokines decreased, cortisol levels increased, insulin and blood glucose levels decreased, triglyceride levels decreased, T3 levels decreased and RER decreased slightly. 16:8 intermittent fasting, which people sometimes call the 16:8 diet or 16:8 plan, is a popular type of fasting. Hunger, weakness, its all mental. May Enhance Heart Health by Improving Blood Pressure, Triglycerides and Cholesterol Levels. That works for some people, not for me. I’ve done a 7 day fast and several 3-4 day fasts. The benefit is simple: it allows me to limit my calories while still eating big meals that satiate me. A lot of people like intermittent fasting because it suits them to be honest. i know shes a real doctor, but she thinks brussel sprouts are going to be like chemotherapy and cure cancer. Dinner is usually bigger than lunch. Fasting for several days gives you time to think, 5. The willpower and discipline you gain from prolonged fasting will translate to other areas of your life. I've been researching fasting in general and Yoshinori Ohsumi's research (2016 Nobel Prize for research regarding fasting/autophagy). It’s hard to go for several days without food. While your resting energy expenditure stays the same during a fast, your body quickly learns to switch to burning fats for this energy. I recommend watching it if you want to learn more about my personal experience trying a prolonged fast. Various kinds of fasting have been used since ancient times, and millions of individuals throughout history have recognized its healing power. lil holesiticy herbal crazy to me. 16:8: You eat all of your daily calories within a shortened period (typically a 6-8 hours) and fast the rest of the time. I really enjoy lifting weight fasted as well. Weekly Intermittent Fasting. It sounds so simple - no choices, no counting calories, no cooking.Just say 'no' to food, and start fasting for quick weight loss and other health benefits.. After all, Beyonce did it. Dry fast is much more tricky and is not recommended in most cases though. Prolonged fasting increases something called brain-derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF in the brain (study, study). Promotes Weight Loss. Prolonged fasting gives you a chance to think and spend time with yourself. Let's talk a bit about prolonged fasting. Dr. Rhonda Patrick just talked about the benefits of time restricted eating on the Joe Rogan Experience (#901), including the profound effects it has on muscle mass. Yes! Did you really think starving yourself wouldn't shed pounds? It can cause weight loss and may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. I took 2 days off fasting, and am starting a 48hr tomorrow. You can only burn fat when producing glucogon. May actually be beneficial, unless you train fasted. It’s good to do difficult things in life. According to the University of Southern California, each time you fast for a prolonged period of time, the reduction in white blood cells increases the rate of stem cell regeneration of new immune cells. Technically you can drink water and other drinks that have no calories (black coffee, tea, etc) with water fast.If you do a dry fast, you can't drink anything. Whatever form of water fasting you practice, from IF to extended fasting and everything in between, and whether you're fasting for health, weight loss, self-discipline, longevity, or any of the other myriad benefits of fasting, you've come to the right place—a community of like-minded individuals sharing our knowledge and experiences. However, there were some interesting metabolic and hormonal effects of IF. I hate to drop an "actually," but ACTUALLY, the main studies on IF show weight maintenance or loss in mice that are IFing but eating the same number of calories the non-fasting mice are. But the fact is … A water fast can help you lose weight, but other types of fasting can offer you the benefits of fasting and weight loss with fewer risks. The first and most obvious benefit due to the inevitable effects of not eating for prolonged fasting of time. One 2015 study found that alternate day fasting trimmed body weight by up to 7 percent and slashed body fat by up to 12 pounds. Food intake is restricted for set number of days, such as a 3-day fast once a month. Fasting causes the body to secrete less insulin because you’re … Biggest benefit is that there is a smaller window to stuff your fat face. Yes, practicing intermittent fasting and following a ketogenic diet before embarking on a prolonged fasts makes things easier, but no matter what it will be a challenge if it’s your first time. So before you crawl into a cave for 3 days without food and water, let’s look at some of the health benefits of fasting once a week. People who follow this eating plan will fast … Love this post. Mentally, the act of fasting is an excellent way to exercise your willpower. Fasting Promotes Longevity. Prolonged fasting is a step up from normal intermittent fasting. I enjoy sitting down for dinner with my wife. It's fascinating how little attention it gets, but the reason is simple: nobody makes money off of fasting. Weight Loss and Fat Burning. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. There's a lot of stuff out there stating the benefits of intermittent fasting (including increased Testosterone), but most of it says "hey if you fast you'll burn body fat AND have better performance at the gym". Yes, but barely while cutting, which is the same as with any diet/calorie restriction. When done properly and regularly, 24-hour fasting is an exceptional way to support weight loss, extend your lifespan, improve your gut health, and reap many other health benefits. Water loss: When you fast for several days the loss of glycogen (sugar) from your muscles will also accompany a loss in water, therefore reducing your bodyweight. Might've even been counter productive to workout 3 days in a row while not taking in any protein to help the muscles rebuild. I find it very easy to still gain weight. It's an important part of the day for me. Water Fasting Benefits. Lol you also made a video that intermittent fasting decreases testosterone and that it has no benefits besides calorie restriction. I do carnivore omad diet now, and it's really, really nice. There have been studies that support fasting as an excellent tool for weight loss. Whatever form of water fasting you practice, from IF to extended fasting and everything in between, and whether you're fasting for health, weight loss, self-discipline, longevity, or any of the other myriad benefits of fasting, you've come to the right place—a community of like-minded individuals sharing our knowledge and experiences. Prolonged fasting is a sure fire way to lose more weight than normal intermittent fasting.However, this doesn’t mean you should just do it for weight loss because there are four other incredible benefits you can expect too. Fasting is an excellent tool for weight loss. On the whole, this study makes it seem that IF “tricks” your body into thinking you’re dieting, even if you’re at (or at least close to) caloric maintenance, in a manner that’s generally consistent with improved health and longevity. Other animal studies have shown a “robust disease-modifying” benefit of intermittent fasting on “a wide range of chronic disorders, including … It is not a magic tool. If you can go several days without food (which is something that most people will never do intentionally) you can do anything. Fasting seems to be a direct contradiction to "eating a shitload of protein and carbs and fat to get bigger". No dumb questions exist. That would be the minimum I’d recommend doing a fast. If the second, at least go for 2 weeks of binging and 2 weeks of fasting. When you’re in ketosis your body is burning fat for energy. Autophagy recycles cells in the body which clears junk and repairs any oxidative stress which has occurred in the body. Also... sorry for replying to a 3-month-old thread. Prolonged fasting will be a true test of your willpower. Might be because I'm lifting and running more this year. Less worrying about having too much of one. Let’s pretend we’re in the wild, there’s no fast-food, no supermarkets, nothing.If food is scarce, clearly you need more of it as soon as possible in order to survive. Sorry reddit! You can't sell people supplements, you can't sell them food, you can't sell them classes. We all know stress is bad. Fasting has been a spiritual practice for many religions and cultures around the world for thousands of years and for good reason. In terms of testosterone I would say it would only increase test if you are overweight, if you are not over weight and skinny I would say a decease in testosterone levels would be more likely. You have to remember that when your body only cares about survival if your not getting enough calories in you sex life will go out the window because that is not needed to survive, hence a decrease in testosterone. Let us look at these benefits in detail. Encourages Better Insulin Sensitivity. Do you take any supplements during a prolonged fast? We just tend to ignore the facts. A six-month study looking at mice and humans going through chemotherapy treatment found that fasting for 72 hours resulted in significant health improvements due to blood cells and other toxins being cleared from the body. More Resistant to Stress. Prolonged fasting increases your will-power, 6. The point of IF is that it is hard to over eat in such a short amount of time. **Prolonged fasting will cause rapid weight loss. Types of intermittent fasting. There are some theoretical benefits of stimulating autophagy, a cellular cleaning process which often requires 48 hours of fasting or more. **When you fast for several days you’re going to lose weight for three main reasons: Glycogen loss: Because you have no food (and especially carbs) coming into your body, you will lose stored sugar from your muscles which translates to pounds on the scale. WARNING: Prolonged fasting is indeed healthy, but it does come with risks if done incorrectly: You shouldn’t do it for too long (over 7 days) and to be honest, it’s not really worth attempting at all until you master regular fasting on a daily basis for at least several months. And while it’s true that the IF group was in a calorie deficit, it was a very small one (less than 10% below maintenance) – probably not a large enough deficit to explain those effects. By completing the prolonged fast you may find that intermittent fasting is now a piece of cake. 6 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting 1. Like sodium, potassium, multivitamins, etc? Mentally, I'm more productive at work than ever. Every now and then in fasting subreddit you'll see someone who has bought a huge package of "fasting products", essentially just expensive ass mineral water with the word fasting on the side, when all you need for prolonged fasting is water and some pink Himalayan salt mixed in. If you want to ease into this to see how it feels you can do a fast once a week. One of the major intermittent fasting benefits is its ability to rev up fat burning and help the pounds slide off. If you are trying to put on muscle mass intermittent fasting is not the best method, its actually terrible to be honest. Preparing two meals a day is enough. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This is the opposite of producing insulin when you have high levels of sugar. What He wills … I cant find anything directly useful, but perhaps i'm just not looking in the right spots? These unwanted consequences of fasting can be due to … Fat loss: As you burn through your liver glycogen you will begin to enter a deep state of ketosis. Now I want to share my five favorite benefits of 18/6 intermittent fasting, which is my preferred way to do IF. Studies have shown that this may increase gained muscle mass, but further research is needed. I did do a 78 hour fast the other week, I actually really liked it so much I tried again this week. Fatigue is really my biggest issue with prolonged fasting, it's hard when you have school stuff to do. First, I’ll explain exactly what I mean by 18/6 intermittent fasting. I haven't found it effects how I lose or gain fat. LeanGains is a diet/workout methodology based on intermittent fasting (IF) and lifting heavy weights. Water fasting helps in weight loss, lowering blood pressure, slowing the aging process, and insulin regulation, among others. When you are looking to lose weight the main point is that you are decreasing the calories that you consume. If you are looking to gain muscle and you are not "fat", then Intermittent fasting probably isn't for you. I alternate, depending on the situation, between ADF and a 1-3 hour eating window. Fasting these first few days can be difficult, but there are mental and physical benefits. You’re still getting the benefits of fasting, but weight loss will be at a slower pace. Five Benefits of 18/6 Intermittent Fasting. Fasted dead lifts, not so much. People have been fasting for thousands of years. Do you find training at the gym easier while fasted? . Can i increase muscle mass and also fast? I feel sharp and have endless focus and motivation until I break fast around 1. Intermittent Fasting(IF) is way of eating that restricts *when* you eat, usually on a daily or weekly schedule. In fact, many people prefer intermittent fasting to traditional diets because it doesn’t require you to meticulously measure your foods and track the calories and grams consumed. People engage in IF to reap the many benefits to health, fitness, and mental clarity. , new comments can not be posted and votes can not be posted and can. Stimulating autophagy, a cellular cleaning process which often requires 48 hours, I 'm productive. 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