selected sermons of george whitefield

selected sermons of george whitefield

For I am fully persuaded, that it is not so much on account of rites and ceremonies, as our not preaching the truth as it is in Jesus, that so many have been obliged to go and seek for food elsewhere. Selected Sermons of George Whitefield. Table of Contents. I know what you will think of him. And why are not we lifting up our eyes in torments? But no one that ever was partaker of his Spirit, will speak thus lightly of him. Selected Sermons of George Whitefield $ 0.00 Struggling to achieve salvation through his own efforts, the Gloucester-born student, George Whitefield, at the age of twenty, read The Life of God in the Soul of Man, written by a 17th century Puritan divine, Henry Scougal. Some, and I fear a multitude which no man can easily number, there are amongst us, who call themselves Christians, and yet seldom or never seriously think of Jesus Christ at all. ‎59 Sermons of George Whitefield that span a wide range of theological topics. Please login to your account first; Need help? But are you not sinners? But, Secondly, What think you of the manhood or incarnation of Jesus Christ? Late of PEMBROKE-College, Oxford, And Chaplain to the Rt. 4. Is it not then high time, my brethren, for you to entertain quite different thoughts concerning justification by Jesus Christ? Selected Sermons of George Whitefield. No; if they are asked, as Peter and his brethren were, “But whom say ye that I am?” they will reply without hesitation, “Thou art Christ the Son of the ever-living God.” For the confession of our Lord's divinity, is the rock upon which he builds his church. For Christ was not only God, but he was God and man in one person. Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Books Electronics Gift Ideas Customer Service Home Computers Gift Cards Sell For there is a spiritual, as well as a corporeal feeling; and though this is not communicated to us in a sensible manner, as outward objects affect our senses, yet it is as real as any sensible or visible sensation, and may be as truly felt and discerned by the soul, as any impression from without can be felt by the body. That people mistake the doctrine of free justification, I believe, is partly owing to their not rightly considering the different persons to whom St. Paul and St. James wrote in their epistles; as also the different kind of justification each of them writes about. “Whose Son is he?” This is the question our Lord put to the Pharisees in the words following the text; and never was it more necessary to repeat this question than in these last days. He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. George Whitefield was born in the Bell Tavern, Gloucester. For they are greater infidels than the devils themselves, who confessed that they knew who he was, “even the holy one of God.” They not only believe, but, which is more than the unbelievers of this generation do, they tremble. John 16:8 - "And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment." Man is permitted to fall, and become subject to death; but Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, Light of light, very God of very God, offers to die to make an atonement for his transgression, and to fulfill all righteousness in his stead. You cannot say I have been preaching damnation to you; you cannot say I have, like legal preachers, been requiring you to make brick without straw. Selected Sermons of George Whitefield; With an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. They are for doing what they can themselves, and then Jesus Christ is to make up the deficiencies of their righteousness. If you now perish, it will not be for lack of knowledge: I am free from the blood of you all. Ye men, ye devils, do your worst: the Lord who sent, will support me. George Whitefield (1714–1770), a contemporary of John and Charles Wesley, was an influential figure in the Great Awakening. Selected Sermons of George Whitefield contains over 50 of Whitefield’s sermons on a variety of topics, which are still edifying to read and study today, and you can find hundreds of his letters and journal entries in The Works of George Whitefield (13 vols.). Buy Selected Sermons of George Whitefield (1904) by George Whitefield, A R Buckland (ISBN: 9781165775538) from Amazon's Book Store. And did not Jesus Christ come into the world to save sinners? And was it possible for me to know the thoughts of most that hear me this day, I believe they would tell me, this was the scheme they had laid, and perhaps depended on for some years, for their eternal salvation. I am persuaded I seem t some of you as one that mocketh: but I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not; as sure as fire and brimstone was rained from the Lord out of heaven, to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, so surely, at the great day, shall the vials of God's wrath be poured on you. • The Seed of the Woman, and the Seed of the Serpent • Walking with God • Abraham’s Offering up His So… And O! And O that all were like-minded! For to use the words of our Church in another of her Articles, “Works done before the grace of Christ, and the inspiration of the Spirit, are not pleasant to God, forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Jesus Christ; rather, for that they are not done as God has willed and commanded them to be done, we doubt not but they have the nature of sin.” So that they who bid you do, and then live, are just as wise as those who would persuade you to build a beautiful magnificent house, without laying a foundation. He was one of the founders of Methodism and of the evangelical movement generally. 4.6 out of 5 stars 3 ratings. St. Paul, in his epistle to the Romans, after he had, in the first five chapters, demonstrably proved the doctrine of justification by faith alone; in the sixth, brings in an unbeliever saying, “Shall we continue in sin then, that grace may abound?” But as he rejected such an inference with a “God forbid!” so do I: for the faith which we preach, is not a dead speculative faith, an assenting to things credible, as credible, as it is commonly defined: it is not a faith of the head only, but a faith of the heart. A ‘judicious and representative’ selection of the sermons of George Whitefield, together with an account of his life by J. C. Ryle. Certainly there was no more humble or lovable man amongst them. Selected Sermons Of George Whitefield (1904) Paperback – May 10, 2009 by George Whitefield (Author), A. R. Buckland (Introduction) 4.3 out of 5 stars 7 ratings “Look unto him whom you have pierced;” look unto him by faith, and verily you shall be saved, though you came here only to ridicule and blaspheme, and never thought of God or of Christ before. Read the Evangelists, and see how kindly he behaved to his disciples who fled from and denied him: “Go tell my brethren,” says he. Walking with God. But if you think thus, indeed you think more highly of yourselves than you ought to think: for by nature we are all alike, all equally fallen short of the glory of God, all equally dead in trespasses and sins, and there needs the same almighty power to be exerted in converting any one of the most sober, good-natured, moral persons here present, as there was in converting the publican Zaccheus, or that notorious persecutor Saul. Indeed we speak what we know. While preaching this last sermon he cried out ‘Works! Sermon 40. Title: Selected Sermons of George Whitefield. It is the divinity of our Lord that gives a sanction to his death, and makes him such a high-priest as became us, one who by the infinite mercies of his suffering could make a full, perfect sufficient sacrifice, satisfaction and oblation to infinitely offended justice. Throughout his life he enjoyed the presence of God in his preaching. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Selected Sermons of George Whitefield - Enhanced Version eBook: Whitefield, George: Kindle Store And when Christ, who is our life, and whom I have now been preaching, shall appear, I also, together with his despised little ones, shall appear with him in glory. Did the woman feel virtue coming out of Jesus Christ, when she touched the hem of his garment, and was cured of her bloody issue? Walking with God. Miners, just up from the mines, listened and the tears flowed making white gutters down their coal-black faces. Every man that is saved, is justified three ways: First, meritoriously, by the death of Jesus Christ: “It is the blood of Jesus Christ alone that cleanses us from all sin.” Secondly, instrumentally, by faith; faith is the means or instrument whereby the merits of Jesus Christ are applied to the sinner's heart: “Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.” Thirdly, we are justified declaratively; namely, by good works; good works declare and prove to the world, that our faith is a true saving faith. None but those that thus are changed by his grace here, shall appear with him in glory hereafter. Buy the selected items together. Sermons 58 and 59 are from Select Sermons of George Whitefield With and Account of His Life by J. C. Ryle, Banner of Truth, 1990. - Memoirs of Rev. And was it possible for you to ascend into the highest heaven, and to inquire of the spirits of just men made perfect, I am persuaded they would tell you this doctrine is from God. Sermons, sorted numerically. It may not be improper to illustrate this doctrine by an example or two. Concern for the lost and the conviction that sinners are in danger of an everlasting hell. I hope you do not fear being accepted in the beloved. They can think of their shops and their farms, their plays, their balls, their assemblies, and horse-races (entertainments which directly tend to exclude religion out of the world); but as for Christ, the author and finisher of faith, the Lord who has bought poor sinners with his precious blood, and who is the only thing worth thinking of, alas! Whitefield was not only the greatest preacher and orator of the eighteenth century, he was also one of its most saintly characters, if not the saintliest of all.... Free shipping over $10. And in the office for the visitation of the sick, the minister prays, that the Lord may make the sick person know and feel, that there is not other name under heaven given unto men, in whom and through whom they may receive health and salvation, but only the name of our Lord Jesus. even you, he will not be ashamed to call his brethren. For numbers that are called after the name of Christ, and I fear, many that pretend to preach him, are so far advanced in the blasphemous chair, as openly to deny his being really, truly, and properly God. This collection of 59 sermons demonstrates that beyond question. No, my brethren, this is not destroying, but teaching you how to do good works, from a proper principle. Thus slow to anger, and of great kindness, was our all-merciful High-priest. George Whitefield . A.r. With what joy – joy unspeakable – was my soul filled!’. It is a living principle wrought in the soul, by the Spirit of the ever-living God, convincing the sinner of his lost, undone condition by nature; enabling him to apply and lay hold on the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ, freely offered him in the gospel, and continually exciting him, out of a principle of love and gratitude, to show forth that faith, by abounding in every good word and work. God answered this prayer and he preached for two hours. Many will think these hard sayings; but I think it no breach of charity to affirm, that an Arian or Socinian cannot be a Christian. In this body he performed a complete obedience to the law of God; whereby he, in our stead, fulfilled the covenant of works, and at last became subject to death, even death upon the cross; that as God he might satisfy, as man he might obey and suffer; and being God and man in one person, might once more procure a union between God and our souls. For he accepted of divine adoration from the man who had been born blind, as we read John 9:38, “And he said, Lord I believe, and he worshipped him.” Besides, if Christ be not properly God, our faith is vain, we are yet in our sins: for no created being, though of the highest order, could possibly merit anything at God' s hands; it was our Lord's divinity, that alone qualified him to take away the sins of the world; and therefore we hear St. John pronouncing so positively, that “the Word (Jesus Christ) was not only with God, but was God.” For the like reason, St. Paul says, “that he was in the form of God: That in him dwelt all the fullness of the godhead bodily.” Nay, Jesus Christ assumed the title which God gave to himself, when he sent Moses to deliver his people Israel. Visualizza tutti i formati e le edizioni Nascondi altri formati ed edizioni. They cover a wide range of topics--from the benefits of piety to personal… St. James had a different set of people to deal with; such who abused the doctrines of free justification, and thought they should be saved (as numbers among us do now) upon their barely professing to believe on Jesus Christ. All the harm I wish you, who without cause are my enemies, is, that you felt the like. God had respect to Abel before he had respect to his offering; and therefore the righteousness of Jesus Christ must be freely imputed to, and apprehended by us through faith, before we can offer an acceptable sacrifice to God: for out of Christ, as I hinted before, God is a consuming fire: and whatsoever is not of faith in Christ, is sin. Struggling to achieve salvation through his own efforts, the Gloucester-born student, George Whitefield, at the age of twenty, read The Life of God in the Soul of Man, written by a 17th century Puritan divine, Henry Scougal. 3. Selected Sermons of George Whitefield. George Whitefield | SermonIndex Audio Sermons. Five Dollars ($5.00) Walking with God 03. ‘Early in the morning, at noonday, evening and midnight, nay, all day long, did the blessed Jesus visit and refresh my soul. For if you think thus, you are in the case of those unhappy Jews, who went about to establish their own righteousness, and would not submit to, and consequently missed of that righteousness which is of God by faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. Selected Sermons of George Whitefield por George Whitefield, 9781502470874, disponible en Book Depository con envío gratis. It is as effectual to all who believe in him now, as formerly; and so it will be, till time shall be no more. Selected Sermons of George Whitefield: With an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. If you do not think seriously of, and act agreeable to the gospel of the Lord's Christ. Description. From CCEL, “An important figure in the founding of Methodism, George Whitefield has a gift for preaching. 4,6 su 5 stelle 3 voti. Buy a cheap copy of Select Sermons book by George Whitefield. No, if we come in the spirit and power of our Master, in this, as in every other part of his sufferings, we must follow his steps. Only 10 left in stock (more on the way). And brethren, I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not, if one soul of you, by the blessing of God, be brought to think savingly of Jesus Christ this day, I care not if my enemies were permitted to carry me to prison, and put my feet fast in the stocks, as soon as I have delivered this sermon. Nay, our Lord's own brethren and kinsmen, according to the flesh, were so blinded by prejudices and unbelief, that on a certain day; when he went out to teach the multitudes in the fields, they sent to take hold of him, urging this as a reason for their conduct, “That he was besides himself.”. Whitefield’s preaching gave birth to the 18th century Evangelical Revival. Please read our short guide how to send a book to Kindle. George Whitefield skillfully adapted his message to his hearers – the noisy crowds on London’s Kennington Common and at Moorfields and the aristocrats in the home of Selina, the Countess of Huntingdon. A ‘judicious and representative’ selection of the sermons of George Whitefield, together with an account of his life by J. C. Ryle. Next » What Think Ye of Christ? Title Page. Abraham's Offering Up His Son Isaac. If not, why are we left, and others taken away by death? At other times I would be overpowered with a sense of God’s Infinite Majesty’. Whilst I am speaking, the thought of this infinite and condescending love fires and warms my soul. I suppose no one will pretend to say, that there was any fitness for salvation in Zaccheus the publican, when he came to see Jesus out of no better principle, than that whereby perhaps thousands are led to hear me preach; I mean, curiosity: but Jesus Christ prevented and called him by his free grace, and sweetly, but irresistibly inclined him to obey that call; as, I pray God, he may influence all you that come only to see who the preacher is. The fire is kindled in this country and I know all the devils in hell shall not be able to quench it’. His only end in and rising again, and interceding for us now in heaven, is to redeem us from the misery of our fallen nature, and, by the operation of his blessed Spirit, to make us meet to be partakers of the heavenly inheritance with the saints in light. to our shame be it mentioned, though Christ be not divided in himself, yet professors are sadly divided in their thoughts about him; and that not only as to the circumstances of his religion, but also of those essential truths which must necessarily be believed and received by us, if ever we hope to be heirs of eternal salvation. Especially when you consider, that we were Christ's bitter enemies, and that he would have been infinitely happy in himself, notwithstanding we had perished forever. Seneca, Cicero, or any of the Gentile philosophers, would be as good a Savior as Jesus of Nazareth. At the same time, by his Spirit, he pricked him to the heart, convinced him of sin, and caused him to cry out, “Who art thou, Lord?” Christ replies, “I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.” Faith then was instantaneously given to him, and behold, immediately Saul cries out, “Lord, what wouldst thou have me to do?” And so will every poor soul that believes on the Lord Jesus with his whole heart. By George Whitefield. I could dwell on it for ever. In addition to 63 different sermons, it also contains a brief sketch of his life and ministry, originally penned by J. C. Ryle. 04. This tavern, of which his father was proprietor, located in a rough neighborhood, was his childhood home. Our Lord, I the days of his flesh, preached on a mount, in a ship, and a field; and I am persuaded, many have felt his gracious presence here. 4.6 out of 5 stars 14. A selection of 59 different sermons given by George Whitefield, including among others: The Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent, Walking with God, Abraham's Offering Up of His Son Issac, The Great Duty of Family Religion, Thankfulness of Mercies … Be ye then persuaded to kiss him lest he be angry, and so you be banished for ever from the presence of the Lord. This collection offers a major reassessment of Whitefield's life, context, and legacy, bringing together a distinguished interdisciplinary team of scholars from both sides of … Zaccheus received our Lord joyfully into his house, and at the same time by faith received him into his heart; Zaccheus was then freely justified in the sight of God. George Whitefield (1714-70) was one of the best known and most widely travelled evangelical revivalist in the eighteenth century. Main Selected Sermons of George Whitefield. Works! But I am afraid, numbers are ready to go away contradicting and blaspheming. Selected Sermons of George Whitefield. It is true, the doctrine of our free justification by faith in Christ Jesus, like other gospel truths, may and will be abused by men of corrupt minds, reprobates concerning the faith; but they who receive the truth of God in the love if it, will always be showing their faith by their works. They say unto him, The Son of David. A true Christian may not so properly be said to live, as Jesus Christ to live in him. Send-to-Kindle or Email . They do, they will desire to look into, and admire it, through all eternity. George Whitefield Abraham's Offering Up His Son Isaac. Abraham's Offering Up His Son Isaac. And how should people think rightly of Christ, of whom they have scarcely heard? The poor in spirit only, they who are willing to go out of themselves, and rely wholly on the righteousness of another, are so blessed as to be members of his kingdom. Another question concerning Jesus Christ dwelleth in thy heart thy faith by thy works..... 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