war thunder ju 87 g1

war thunder ju 87 g1

Например, ссылка на семейство техники; Rudel survived the war and his input was used to create the A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft. It boasts a huge amount of firepower due to the twin 37mm cannons - its main armament, and is capable of taking out bombers with one volley. Il bombardiere in picchiata JU-87 è sicuramente uno degli aerei del secondo conflitto mondiale più noti e famosi. The differences between the G-1 and G-2 variants are the wing types utilized. A few paragraphs on aircraft history, design, development, employment, and other notable facts. With the G variant, the aging airframe of the Ju 87 found new life as an anti-tank aircraft. For beginners, it is best to make a habit of "one-shot-per-run", as firing multiple times to make a hit are wasteful and risky. However, the aircraft lacks speed and is generally quite a slow aircraft while flying. If an enemy plane comes towards the area of operation, ignore the enemy. Home. © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. War Thunder - JU-87 D5 GUNPODS 6x20MM 12x7.92mm! whats the difference to the G1? Mi e’ stato donato... non e’ granché come kit, interni approssimativi, fit appena sufficiente, dimensioni ragguardevoli (1/48) For this conversion, the cannon-housing containers could be easily removed and replaced with standard bomb racks. All rights reserved. Use your slow speed to your advantage to spot any possible ground targets. The Ju-87 G-1 is the first aircraft of the Ju-87 G series of dive-bombers. It is best that the angle of attack is shallow and maintain a speed 300km/h and above. Ju 87 G-1 : War Thunder : Bomber Ju 87 G-1 - Info. The G-1 employs the same wing type as the Ju 87 D-3 while the G-2 instead utilizes the same wing area as the Ju 87 D-5 variant. Only the Ju 87G-1 became operational. The payload of the aircraft also varies, with the player being able to choose from 250kg, 500kg bombs. Unlike the Hs. The greater threat is not the ground AAs nor the enemy plane: it is the lack of patience. Junkers Ju 87 G-1 Stuka von Roland Sachsenhofer (1:32 Hasegawa) Zum Vorbild: Die Junkers Ju 87 ist eine der Ikonen des zweiten Weltkriegs, eng verbunden mit dem „Blitzkrieg" der ersten beiden, für das nationalsozialistische Deutschland erfolgreichen Jahre: ihr durch das starre Fahrwerk und die Knickflügel bestimmtes Aussehen hatte für Freund wie Feind hohen Wiedererkennungswert. КУПИТЬ. It is not recommended to 'chase' the target as that will bleed energy. Backlinks for: Ju 87 G-2 This section should be used to describe tactics and techniques specific to the aircraft - general strategies such as "boom and zoom" should be limited to a sentence or two, with a link to the appropriate page. The Stuka has always been famous for its ground strike capabilities. They are however somewhat limited after bombing, with only a pair of 7.92mm wing guns for engaging soft targets. War Thunder Patch 1.47 - Duration: 14:56. The plane is also rewarding on good runs, so try your best. Coming in at a shallow angle of attack is important because the AI tanks may bounce shells at high angles, so coming in at a shallow angle of attack reduce the chances of these ricochets from occurring. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. War Thunder Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The long-barrelled anti-aircraft gun brought the tungsten-core sabots to an initial velocity of 1,170 m/s, allowing the gun to be fired at a distance of about 800 m. This was quite sufficient to pierce the rear or upper plating of the T-34 tank. They are able to destroy most ground units and aircraft with a single press of the trigger. This was the reason why the Ju 87G-1's tests were considered successful, and the military came to the conclusion that the prospect of its use in combat was reasonable, since the situation was hopeless otherwise, as there were no other aircraft anywhere near suitable for fighting tanks. НАБОР APACHE. The Ju 87 G-1 is a rank II German attacker Due to the aircraft's poor longitudinal stability, it was difficult to aim. Junkers Ju 87 G-1 Site statistics: Photos of World War II: over 26800 aircraft: 63 models tanks: 59 models vehicles: 59 models guns: 3 models units: 2 ships: 47 WW2 battlefields - 12 weapon models: - equipment: - people: - books in reference section: over 500 https://warthunder.fandom.com/wiki/Ju_87_G-1?oldid=11591. However, the Stuka G-1 cannot be used to hunt bombers or fighters: you can try, but the results will be disappointing. The first Ju 87 G's went into combat during the Kursk Offensive with St.G 1 and St.G 2, and by late 1943 Schlschtgeschwaders 3 and 77 were also equipped with the sparingly issued Ju 87G within specialized 10. For other nations, see War Thunder. War Thunder Gameplay - Jagdpanzer IV/70(V), Best Tank MateWar Thunder Patch 1.45 New Tanks & New Planes Videos! Due to the aircraft's poor longitudinal stability, it was difficult to aim. Regarded highly by famed German ace Hans-Ulrich Rudel, the Ju 87 G is one of the deadliest ground attack aircraft in War Thunder. War Thunderの地球連邦空軍専用wikiです。 ... ポイント最大44倍 全ショップ対象 お買い物マラソン! Tweet; Ju 87 G-1 のバックアップ一覧 The BK 3.7 cannon had quite a low rate of fire and low reliability as far as its automatic equipment was concerned. For the Steel Division: Normandy 44 unit see Ju 87 G Tank Buster (SD2). Building upon the classic "Stuka" design, German engineers fitted a pair of Bordkanone 37mm cannons to early Ju 87 D models, creating a beast. The G-1 employs the same wing type as the Ju 87 D-3 while the G-2 instead utilizes the same wing area as the Ju 87 D-5variant. The aircraft's armor was weakened. War Thunderの地球連邦空軍専用wikiです。 ... ミント味 うがい200回分 のどのバイ菌 殺菌消毒; Tweet; Top > Ju 87 G-1. The Ju-87 G-1 is the first aircraft of the Ju-87 G series of dive-bombers. However, the aircraft lacks speed and is generally quite a slow aircraft while flying. Guest Sign-in to your account. (Elevation -10%, Rudder around -1 ~ -2%?). When attacking, always have your Stuka fly towards the direction that is in path of the ground target. Играй бесплатно с друзьями в самой реалистичной онлайн игре. i hear is has more Ammo, but it says 24 Rounds as the G1, or do i need to unlock the new Mg37? The first anti-tank variant, the Ju 87G-1, was based on the Ju 87D-3 variant. The equipment intended to stop the "Russian steam roller" included a special anti-tank version of the Stuka that appeared in late 1942. Ju 87 G2 Note: Base stats only (no upgrade installed) Rank: 3 Battle Rating: 3.3 (AB) 2.7 (SB) Type: Attacker Maximum Speed on height: 397 km/h Maximum Altitude: 7000m Turn Time: 30.5 s Rate of Climb: 11.1 m/s Takeoff Run: 513m Armament: 37mm BK37 x 2 (24 rnds) Turret x 1: 7.92mm MG 81 machine gun x 2 (1700 rnds) Burst Mass: 2.99 kg/s The BK 3.7 cannon had quite a low rate of fire and a low reliability as far as its automatic equipment was concerned. Regarded highly by famed German ace … The shells were kept in magazines protruding beyond the sides of the container. Remember, the plane essentially have two anti-tank guns that fires at the same time, meaning firing multiple times will reduce energy and increase risk of stall. The armoured targets belt is fairly ineffective against aircraft and the air targets belt does next to nothing to armoured ground units. Play Now! with a battle rating of 2.3 (AB), 2.0 (RB), and 2.7 (SB). Try your very best to squeeze in a few more grounded targets with a clear mind, as it will contribute with your Spawn Points and economy. Ju 87 G-1. (The guns have a convergence range of 700m with vertical targeting on), In simulator battles, before delving into basic attacking procedure, it is recommended to trim the aircraft before anything else (once after taking off). So, if a pair of shots miss, control your urge: let go, pull up, WEP, climb, level, build energy, and try again. возможно на Б.Р. By early 1943 the Luftwaffe, or rather the whole German army at the Eastern Front, faced a critical problem fighting Soviet armoured forces. War Thunder cover art. Video Game (2012) A next generation MMO combat game dedicated to military aviation, armored vehicles, and fleets. PhlyDaily 82,008 views. Jun 13, 2020 - Explore Hal Cohen's board "Ju 87 Stuka", followed by 991 people on Pinterest. The equipment intended to stop the "Russian steam roller" included a special anti-tank version of the Stuka that appeared in late 1942. This section should be used to describe tactics and techniques specific to the aircraft - general strategies such as "boom and zoom" should be limited to a sentence or two, with a link to the appropriate page. Tests showed that the Ju 87G-1's speed was reduced by 30-40 km/h and its manoeuvrability was noticeably impaired, which, in addition to its weakened armour and poor defensive armament, made the machine almost a perfect target for fighter attacks. https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Ju_87_G-1&oldid=85411, 2 x 37 mm BK 3.7 cannons, wing-mounted (12 rpg = 24 total), 2 x 7.92 mm MG 81 machine gun, dorsal turret (1,000 rpg = 2,000 total), Powerful cannons, light pillboxes and medium, light, and heavy tanks will find that four shells (or two clicks of a mouse) will destroy them, Armour around the pilot, gunner, and engine, Able to be used in different roles (attacker, support fighter, etc...), Lacks any frontal offensive machine guns/cannons whatsoever, making engagement with a fighter difficult, Incredibly slow roll rate, especially at high speeds. Hans-Ulrich Rudel, a Stuka ace, proposed a pair of 37 mm cannons be added to a Ju 87 D. Thus, the "Kanonenvogel" or "cannon-bird" was born. The Ju 87G was a specialized anti-tank version, fitted with two BK 3.7 guns hung under the wings just outboard of the landing gears.This 37-mm-gun was a formidable weapon weighting over 363 kg (800 lb) and in wide service as ground-based Flak (anti-aircraft artillery) equipment.. Able to fire the German 37mm high-velocity armour piercing round, the Ju 87 G is more than a force to be reckoned with. 『War Thunder』の主力である機体がついに一新されます!全てが新しくなったシュトゥーカの素晴らしさをご覧ください! 次回アップデート「War Thunder 1.67」でドイツを象徴する急降下爆撃機Ju 87 シュトゥーカの新モデルを導入します。 In fact, for a Ju 87G, success on the battlefield was possible only if it was flown by an experienced pilot and only if enemy anti-aircraft gunners and fighters provided little opposition. The ageing Ju 87 was proving to be obsolete, and the new Henschel Hs 129 was underpowered and ill-protected. Unlike those on the standard Ju 87D-3, the radio operator/gunner's station, the fuel tanks in the centre wing section, and the radiator were not armored on the anti-aircraft Stuka. Use this link to get 3% off your entire purchase and a custom Phly emblem for your vehicles. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. Ju 87 G-1 の編集 無料レンタルWIKIシステム swiki.jp / Powered by PukiWiki Plus!! Changelog back to news . Seine Hauptaufgabe bestand in präzisen Bombenangriffen bei Tage im Rahmen taktischer Einsätze als Sturz… When climbing after an attack, it is recommended to shallow climb, as it increases the distance between the Stuka and the target, allowing better readjustments and maintaining high energy to turn. War Thunder 1.87 "Locked On" - Changelog. Unlike those on the standard Ju 87D-3, the radio operator/gunner's station, the fuel tanks in the centre wing section, and the radiator were not armoured on the anti-aircraft Stuka. By 1942, the need for a new ground attack aircraft was ever present. Dealing with the enemy should be done after the objective is completed or the ammunition runs out. Ju 87-G1 и G-2 до 1.0 или 1.3.проблема в том что боекомплект 12 снарядов на ствол. SUPER DECAL 6 VERSIONI - ISTRUZIONI A COLORI - FOTOINCISO INCLUSO Il bombardiere in picchiata Ju-87, meglio conosciuto come «Stuka» venne estesamente utilizzato all’inizio della seconda Guerra Mondiale dall’aviazione tedesca ma, successivamente considerato inadeguato alle caratteristiche del Fronte Occidentale, venne prevalentemente impiegato … Материал из War Thunder Wiki. ドイツRank2地上攻撃機。空飛ぶ魔王ことハンス・ウルリッヒ・ルーデルの愛機である。 本機の最大の特徴は、主翼下に搭載した2門の37mm機関砲である。中戦車程度ならHVAP-T弾で後部や上部を狙えば撃破することが可能。戦闘機に対しても、当てるのは難しいがHEF弾を用いれば1発で撃墜すること … This is to ensure the ease of aiming the turret gun, as that is your only 'offensive' weaponry. The Ju 87 G-1 differs from its later counterpart, the Ju 87 G-2 in that it utilizes the earlier D models such as the Ju 87 D-3. This was the final operational version of the Stuka, and was deployed on the Eastern Front. The Junkers Ju 87 or Stuka (from Sturzkampfflugzeug, "dive bomber") was a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft.Designed by Hermann Pohlmann, it first flew in 1935.The Ju 87 made its combat debut in 1937 with the Luftwaffe's Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War and served the Axis forces in World War II.. The differences between the G-1 and G-2 variants are the wing types utilized. Instead of staggering the rounds one trigger pull is HE one trigger pull is AP, it is mixed. Der von der Junkers Flugzeugwerk AG entwickelte Tiefdecker mit Knickflügeln, starrem Fahrgestell und zwei Mann Besatzung wurde von der deutschen Luftwaffe und den Luftstreitkräften verbündeter Länder eingesetzt. 14:56. АБ. Германия II ранг. ... Ссылки на статьи War Thunder Wiki, которые по вашему мнению, будут полезны читателю. Earlier variants of the Stuka, to the Ju 87 D-3, are capable of destroying any ground target in War Thunder, with bombs of up to 1000kg delivered accurately in a dive. A few paragraphs on aircraft history, design, development, employment, and other notable facts. When D-3s were converted to G-1s, the wing-mounted machine guns and the bomb racks were removed. In fact, for a Ju 87G, success on the battlefield was possible only if it was flown by an experienced pilot and only if enemy anti-aircraft gunners and fighters provided little opposition. Home; For friends; Tools; Forum. The default belt is a mix of HE and AP rounds, resulting in only half of the trigger pull hitting what you want. JU 87 G - 2 Stuka Kanonenvogel. The main distinction of the G-1 was that it had two containers fitted under the wings to house 37 mm Bordkanone BK 3.7 cannons (an airborne version of the Rheinmetall Flak 18 anti-aircraft gun), with 6 rounds each. A total of about 40 machines were converted in this fashion. When D-3s were converted to G-1s, the wing-mounted machine guns and the bomb racks were removed. Note: This is a video game. Ju 87 G-1. In the market for War Thunder Equipment? Have composure, memorize the mistakes, and adapt. The plane may be cheap, but repeating the process is very taxing on motivation. and besides, i got rammed in an RB Ground force Game, the Plane rammed me and we both die, no points left and MY planes gets locked for 3 … Tests showed that the Ju 87G-1's speed was reduced by 30-40 km/h and its maneuverability was noticeably impaired, which, in addition to its weakened armor and poor defensive armament, made the machine almost a perfect target for fighter attacks. By early 1943 the Luftwaffe, or rather the whole German army at the Eastern Front, faced a critical problem fighting Soviet armored forces. After taking off and trimming, fly to around 600m above ground and lower throttle to around 80% ~ 90%. Jun 12, 2016 - Got a slight obsession with the Stuka. The Ju 87 G's armament, a pair of Bordkanone BK 3,7 cannons, are deadly in all regards. Panzerjager Staffain. 12 March 2019 War Thunder 1.87 "Locked On" - Changelog. Complete the Stuka's job as the objective is more important. It is understandable that many players want to start flying their desired fighters, but a sloppy job will contributes nothing to your team and yourself. War Thunder の交流用Wikiです。 ... マイルドミント味 うがい200回分 のどのバイ菌 殺菌消毒; Tweet; Top > Ju 87 G-2. Mi-24D — Flares and IRCM added. The highest-scoring ace of World War II, Erich Hartmann, also held the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds – but his Oak Leaves were not gold. The Ju 87 G-1is a rank II German attacker with a battle rating of 3.0 (AB/SB) and 2.3 (RB). Понизить Б.Р. Production Ju 87D-3s were converted to G-1s on site by the troops. War Thunder. This puts a cap on how much total damage the Ju 87 G can do. Ни один производитель оружия, техники или снаряжения не имеет отношения к этой игре и не является её спонсором либо рекламодателем. War Thunder の交流用Wikiです。 ... Top > Ju 87 G-1. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ju 87 G Tank Buster is a German Air unit. Once a potential target is spotted, increase throttle to 95%. The Stuka G-1 is no exception; with twin 37 mm Bordkanone, destructive power is at your command. Перейти к: навигация, поиск. The aircraft's armour was weakened. However, if operated by an experienced gunner, the Gustav was able to hit the tank's most vulnerable parts, such as its engines, fuel tanks, and ammunition stowage bins. Equip air targets or armoured targets belt depending on what your target is. JU 87 B-2/R-2 "PICCHIATELLO" SUPER DECAL PER 5 VERSIONI - FOTOINCISO - ISTRUZIONI A COLORI. Die Junkers Ju 87 war ein einmotoriges Kampfflugzeug der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkrieges aus deutscher Produktion. Unfortunately, each cannon only holds 12 rounds of ammunition each, for a total of 12 individual shots. After that, it matters not which way the Stuka pilot researches his or her modules. Nicknamed Stuka, the plane was a fearsome dive bomber in the early years of the war and could drop its bomb load with incredibly precision and accuracy on enemy troops in close air support with advancing German troops. 129, the Stuka G-1 does not have forward firing light machine guns to help guide your shots, so it is best to practice a lot in custom battles on tank missions with AI tanks. All planes armed with high calibre tank guns requires one virtue to be effective and this plane is no exception to it: patience. This page was last edited on 27 December 2020, at 17:24. It boasts a huge amount of firepower due to the twin 37mm cannons - its main armament, and is capable of taking out bombers with one volley. AH-64A Peten — 6 ранг США. Download Wallpaper: ... Ju 88 A-4 — separate 250 kg bomb drop added. None of the aircraft had dive flaps, but the brackets to fit them remained. Instead of bombs, this aircraft utilizes its twin synchronized 37 mm anti-tank cannons to demolish any armour it faces. See more ideas about Luftwaffe, Wwii aircraft, Ww2 aircraft. Jump to: navigation, search RANK 5 BRITAIN Avoid any AAA zones as much as possible, as your plane is no IL-2. See more ideas about luftwaffe, wwii aircraft, ww2 aircraft. Unlocking the 37 mm belts is a must for this aircraft. The Ju 87 G was most famously piloted by Rudel himself, who destroyed a countless amount of Soviet equipment with it. Материал из War Thunder Wiki. Hans-Ulrich Rudel was the only person to be awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds, one of Germany's highest awards. The G-2 model uses the later Ju 87D-5 model. The player takes part in many of the major battles, fighting with other players all over the world. From War Thunder Wiki. Неточное орудие.ЛТХ как понятие отсутствует.Кроме 37 мм орудий нет ничего.Да . Radar warning … Radar warning … War Thunder G-1 - Info ammunition runs out G more. And AP rounds, resulting in only half of the deadliest ground aircraft! Was used to create the A-10 Thunderbolt attack aircraft was ever present were converted to,... Rounds one trigger pull is HE one trigger pull hitting what you want famous for its strike... One trigger pull hitting what you want Ju 87G-1, was based on Ju.... マイルドミント味 うがい200回分 のどのバイ菌 殺菌消毒 ; Tweet ; Ju 87 G can do lower throttle to 95 % more... Bestand in präzisen Bombenangriffen bei Tage im Rahmen taktischer Einsätze als Sturz… War Thunder: Bomber 87! German attacker with a battle rating of 3.0 ( AB/SB ) and 2.3 ( RB.!, destructive power is at your command Junkers Ju 87 B-2/R-2 `` PICCHIATELLO SUPER! It has been in the game since the start of the container GUNPODS 6x20MM 12x7.92mm input was to. 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